Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Coordinated Babies

When Emily and I were kids, our mom dressed us in coordinating outfits on many occasions.  We decided to do the same to the babies while she and my niece were here for the week.  The fun part about this (for us) was that we didn't plan any of this ahead of time (except for the pink polka dots).  We just found what we could in my daughter's stash of mostly hand-me-down clothes.  Because that is the thrifty thing to do.

Monday: Fun t-shirts with jeggings.

Tuesday: Pink polka dot rompers with bunny pockets. These were actually a gift from my mom and Grandma for Christmas. It is super fun when the girlies receive matching outfits.

Wednesday: It was Ash Wednesday so we had to dress them in purple.

Thursday: We had their portraits taken at JC Penny with these little dresses.  This is their post-portrait, turn-the-dresses-into-play-clothes and hit the thrift store outfits.

Friday: Hanging around the house in pastel shirt and pants sets.

Saturday: Brown and pink.

Other notable outfit fun: Jammies and snowsuits.

Baby Bloopers: Just in case you thought life with two coordinated babies was always perfect ;-)


  1. Oh my stars!! TOO MUCH cuteness in this post! I love when babies these age claw at each other--lol, no boundaries!

    So great to have sisters and so great when sisters have babies the same age. Love it.

  2. Happy mothers day Karen! Laughed out loud at the bloopers. Miss you my friend
